School Transitions

Preparing for a school move

Each year, Trafford Virtual School offer a package of support for the children and young people making a school move in September. All Year 6s are offered mentoring which starts in the summer term and continues into their Year 7 to support them with the changes they will experience, for more information you can contact the Primary PEP Lead.

Year 11s are offered enhanced careers advice and can access mentoring from the Virtual School Post-16 as well as college visits. The Post-16 PEP Lead can provide more information about the specific support available.

If the school move is happening outside of planned year group changes, Reception, Year 7 and college, Virtual School also offer support and guidance to the professionals and young people affected. Contact the Virtual School as soon as possible if there is going to be a move.

Impact of school moves

Changing schools can have a huge impact on the academic progress and mental health of a young personProfessionals should also take into consideration the impact of a move on the young person's existing relationships with teachers and peers before deciding on a change of school.

Sometimes there are unavoidable reasons why a child might have to move school such as:

  • moving to a new address that is too far to travel from
  • they are at risk of permanent exclusion 
  • the current school can no longer meet the child's need due to special educational needs

When a child is looked after, Virtual School need to be told as soon as possible and can offer support, guidance and resources.

When a child moves school

Any decisions regarding a school move should be in conjunction with:

  • the child’s parents or carers
  • the school they attend
  • the child’s social worker 
  • if they are looked after, Virtual School.

If the child has an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP), or an assessment is in process, a school move will need to be discussed with the Special Educational Needs or Education and Health Care team.