Early Years

Parents and carers of children aged two to four years old can access funded hours at nurseries and childcare providers. During 2024, there will be several changes to government funding, including the introduction of the Working Parent Entitlement in April 2024. 

To find out the funding criteria, including Looked After Children, Previously Looked After Children and Children on a Child Protection Plan, and the changes happening in 2024 visit the Trafford Council's Childcare and early education website.

Childcare funding for looked after three to four year olds

Foster carers can access the same 30 hours of funding as parents if they meet the national criteria. If the child's social worker agrees accessing 30 hours meets the child’s care plan, the local authority can issue a 30 hours code. 

Carers who do not meet the 30 hours criteria

Trafford Council can support foster carers when do not meet the national criteria. Looked after children and previously looked after children can receive an extra 15 hours funded by Trafford Council in addition to the universal hours.

This only applies to children in the care of Trafford Council and is done outside of the HMRC process, but there is no change to the end result for the child. Speak to the child's social worker to establish how to access this additional funding.