Educational Psychologist

An Educational Psychologist (EP) might be needed when a child struggles to access their education. They can assess learning needs like dyslexia, an emotional need due to trauma or a disability that means they need additional support. This may also contribute and support an Education, Health, and Care Assessment. They also provide consultations, interventions, training, and wider research.

The Assistant Education Psychologist (AEP) also supports by providing training, signposting, intervention and facilitating solution-focused discussions. 

Trafford Virtual School purchases services from the Education Psychology team like other schools. Based on how urgent the child's needs are, it enables the assessments for looked after children to be 'fast tracked'. The Virtual School can also provide interim support to the child whilst evidence is gathered to support Education and Health Care Assessments. 

Trafford SEND Graduated Approach

The Graduated Approach is part of the Trafford SEND Local Offer and explains how schools can support children with additional needs and how the Local Authroity can help. To know more about the Trafford SEND Graducated Approach visit the Trafford Directory.

Getting Trafford Virtual School Education Psychologist support

The starting point for accessing educational psychology support should be through the school SENCo and school Educational Psychologist. If it is not possible to use the school Educational Psychologist, for example the child's needs have changed or they have had recent change in placement out of Trafford etc., then the Virtual School Educational Psychologist may be able to offer support.

The usual route to accessing the Education Psychologist by the Virtual School is using the Personal Education Plan meeting. If there are urgent concerns contact your PEP Lead