Emotionally Based School Non-Attendance (EBSNA)

The term EBSNA describes children and young people who are persistently absent due to school-related emotional factors. This replaces the term ‘School Refuser’, and removes the idea that the child or young person has control over their school non-attendance.

There are many reasons why a child may not feel able to attend school. This could be:

  • Avoiding emotions or stress that attending school, or school-related situations might create
  • Self-management of separation anxiety 
  • To gain attention from someone significant in their lives
  • Positive reinforcements associated with avoiding school (such as playing on the computer or at the park during school time)

Children and young people who are at higher risk of EBSNA

Some groups of children and young people are more likely to experience issues attending school. These are particularly relelvant to Looked After Children, Previously Looked After Children and Children in Need.

  • Experience of significant trauma
  • They have additional needs
  • They experience separation anxiety and/or who regularly communicate emotional distress at home and/or school
  • They have low confidence and/or have needed emotional support in the past
  • They are experiencing interpersonal difficulties

Trafford services that offer EBSNA support