About alternative provision

Alternative provision (AP) is extra targeted support to a child's standard school education. Trafford Virtual School can arrange support for pupils who would not otherwise receive suitable education due to exclusion, illness or another reason.

Pupil Premium funding can be used to fund alternative provision in two ways. Virtual School can arrange the support if the provider is on the Trafford Alternative Provision Framework, or the child's school can arrange the support and get reimbursed by the Virtual School.

Alternative provision can be several things depending on the child's needs. In some cases, more than one provision is needed; this can include:

  • 1-1 tuition
  • Small group tuition
  • In class support (such as a teaching assistant)
  • Mentoring
  • Counselling
  • Off-site vocational opportunities

Alternative provision could be funded directly via the Virtual School if the provider is on our Alternative Provision Framework. Alternatively, an alternative provision could be funded by the child's school and reimbursed by the Virtual School.

Up to 5 hours of alternative provision

Up to five hours of alternative provision can be requested on the child or young person's Personal Education Plan. When the request is received, it is reviewed by the monthly Virtual School panel.

If agreed and the Virtual School is directly funding the support, the PEP Lead will make a request to the Alternative Provision Framework. If the school is self-funding, Virtual School will transfer the amount for a term to the school. 

Alternative provision should be monitored carefully by all involved and reviewed at the child's Personal Education Plan meeting each term to ensure that outcomes are on target and are being achieved.

5-10 hours alternative provision

Five to 10 hours of alternative provision should only be used in exceptional circumstances. There should be clear time limits with specific outcomes outlined in the Personal Education Plan. This short term support should only be implemented if all other interventions within the school setting have been tried.

Where possible, the school should be responsible for paying alternative provision with Virtual School reimbursing where needed. If Virtual School arranges alternative provision, it can be funded for up to 10 hours a week for a term. Speak to the Virtual School SEND Lead for advice if this is needed to continue after a term.

This should always be reviewed at every Personal Education Plan meeting.

10+ hours

When more than 10 hours of alternative provision for a child or young person is needed, the school should be contributing to this funding by the notional £6,000 SEN budget. It is expected that all schools contribute the first £6,000 of Element 2 funding before accessing the top-up funding from the High Needs Block, Element 3.

Schools must clearly show their use of this when they apply for an Education and Health Care needs assessment. As mentioned, the school should arrange and pay for alternative provision wherever possible, and Virtual School will reimburse the agreed amount.

A request for a needs assessment for an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) should be submitted by the school within 12 weeks to the local authority where the child/ young person resides. The school should oversee the alternative provision and inform the Virtual School of any changes.

The Special Educational Needs Team will take over funding the alternative provision when an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) is finalised. The school should ensure that they continue with the support in place; if this is not possible, early discussions need to take place, and the provision should be altered in a planned way so that the needs of the child or young person can still be met.