Governing body

Like all schools we have a Governing Body. They make sure we are doing our best for all of our children and young people. We have a mixture of people who sit on the Governing Body, such as people who work for Trafford Council, Foster Carers and collogues from Trafford Schools and Colleges.

This year, as well as the full Governing Body, we introduced three subcommittees, Belief and Resilience, Inclusion and Growth, and Direction and Engagement. They are all linked with the strategic plan and priorities for Virtual School. You can find out more about our BRIDGE in our priorities.

List of representatives on the Trafford Virtual School Governing Body
Trafford Virtual School Governing Body Representatives 
 Chair (Director Education Standards, Quality and Performance)
 Substitute Chair (Director of Early Help and Children's Social Care)
 Virtual School Head
 YouCan Peer Mentor Leaders
 Foster Carer
 Adoptive Parent/Parent of child subject to SGO/CAO
 Head of Service for Cared for and Care Experienced Young People
 Secondary School Head Teacher
 Primary School Head Teacher
 Special School Head Teacher
 Post-16 Representative
 Early Years Representative
 Social Care Service Manager (Children in Need)
 Named Nurse Safeguarding Children, Children in Care and Adult Strategic
 Service Manager – Youth Engagement Service 
 Independent Reviewing Officer